Minggu, 15 Januari 2012


Version I
Since the first period in 1512 which is about our beloved Bengkalis this already exists, it can even be associated with prehistoric times. The island has been inhabited since ancient Bengkalis by humans, with a very traditional pattern of life, and has a system of government that is in the form  perbatinan  (government), especially perbatinan primitive people and perbatinan Senggoro in Senggoro and batin alam in sungai alam, batin Penebal in Penebal, Batin Senderak  in Senderak, Batin Kembung in Kembung, Batin Bengkalis in Bengkalis, Batin Putih in Ketam Putih.

          Although it still perbatinan Senggoro has environment here is very small as a village government center is located  Bengkalis   perbatinan Senggoro Bengkalis Island, already has a system of  government is highly respected and taken into  account because it has a chosen people, and trained as well as daring to risk their lives in defending its territory .

        Perbatinan under the leadership of Black batin they have set the strategy and tactics to maintain the area by building fortresses hitherto known by the name? Fort black batin (batin Senggoro), Fort Bengkalis village hiding The girls are currently known with name Tombs Dara Sembilan.

        Black batin Citadel, formerly with cannons mounted and ready to be fired against the enemy or pirate who would disrupt peace Bengkalis village. Nine graves while Dara is a special fortress to protect the beautiful virgin (girl) from Bengkalis village Portuguese attacks and pirates who like to coerce or kidnap the virgin / girls. From the Black batin built fortress hideout of the girls / virgins that is located approximately 75 meters from the Black batin Citadel.

          The death of the virgin / girl as many as nine people were rioting stems from events conducted by the Portuguese or the pirates. Nine people or virgin girl hidden in the secret key to the fortress which is on the outside, while the tomb guard to fight pirates attacking, or Portuguese.

         Portuguese or pirate attacks so fierce that resulted in the fortress collapsed and covered the secret key, thus hiding the door opened and cause or nine virgin girls were buried in fort and helpless. They died together in the fort, until now the fort was called “Nine Ladies  Tombs or Makam Dara Sembilan”.
Versions II
Once upon a time, in bengkalis island there was a king who reigned in bengkalis area. The king had six daughter. Their name are mayang sari, cempaka, bunga jarum, Tanjung, Melati and Melur. When Dutch came to descended on Bengkalis, the king and the  queen, and all of society had warred to fight the Dutch.
Before go to war, the queen were on the point of hidden their daughter in a hole of underground. in order to descended on the Dutch.
On the appointed time, the king and the queen make a big hole and then their daughter enter to the hole.
In the hole that cave shaped also prepared  with some of food in time six month. Beside seven king daughter also there are three ladies in waiting who accompany them after enter to the hole and was closed by grass later on.
Six month later, grass that closed that hole was growth with flourish. Beside that, hoard of foods for princess and lady in waiting was run out. Meanwhile, the king and the queen was lost in war. And then, seven princess ad three lady in waiting passed away in those hole, actually there are there are soldiers who look for them but because of grass was carries and difficult for occurred. So as a memory, the people give name Makam Sembilan Dara  that consist of 7 princess and 3 lady in waiting.

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